Be Careful When Using Your Basement as Storage!
6/9/2021 (Permalink)
When using the available space in your basement as a storage area is it important that you know a few things that could occur if proper procedure isn't followed. The foundation of your home is often cold and damp and the perfect base for mold to gather and grow, placing biodegradable boxes and totes on the plain surface of your basement floor allows mold to easily gather on them and use them to aid in its growth!
The best possible way to prevent this from happening when using your basement as storage is to install metal or plastic shelving that keeps the storage boxes up and off the cold and damp ground. This will keep the boxes far enough away from the floor to prevent the bacteria from spreading to them and being able to create patches of mold on them. The boxes should be a minimum of 18 inches off the ground to help prevent this from occurring!