2022 Tornado Season
5/16/2022 (Permalink)
Tornado season has started! Every year there is a significant increase in sightings and touchdowns of tornadoes from late spring to early summer. With the increase in sightings and touchdowns, there is also an increase in damage and devastation. Thousands are affected by these natural disasters yearly, which is why proper preparation and safety measures are so important. It always pays to be prepared.
A tornado can form in the blink of an eye and with very little warning. This is especially true for ones that form under the cover of night. Keep a weather broadcast running during severe weather for updates on the severity of the storm and to stay up-to-date with warnings and watches.
Finally, have an emergency kit at the ready in the event of a disaster. Warm blankets or clothes, first aid, food, and water can all go a long way in keeping you safe if disaster strikes!